From Kaiteur News JULY 24, 2011
A huge crowd converged on the Mackenzie Bus Park, Friday evening for the official launch of the A Partnership For Unity (APNU) in Region Ten, despite sporadic drizzles, which eventually turned to full fledged showers after the meeting.
Some of the featured speakers were Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, Mr Carl Greenidge and Presidential candidate David Granger.
The lack of employment opportunities, especially among the youths featured prominently in all the addresses— and a youth group led by Ms Shonette Douglas decried the lack of opportunities available to them, and subsequently pledged their support to APNU.
Reigning calypso monarch, Lester ‘the Professor’ Charles, performed his winning rendition, ‘De Government got it so” to thundering applause, which later prompted Granger to choose the song as the party’s ‘anthem’ during their election campaign.
Greenidge said that Guyana has a rate of suicide that is the seventh highest in the world; that, together with the low rate of economic growth, is a product of the injury suffered at the ‘altar of winner takes all politics’- politics without checks and balances, or arrangements for accountability, of Governments in office.
“We’ve suffered as a nation, even though this country is one of the most richly endowed, in the world, so I do believe it’s time to realize our dreams, and experience the bright future for which we all yearn, indeed which we all deserve!”
Greenidge promised vast improvements in the education and health sectors and social infrastructure. He also said that there would be improvements in the agricultural, fisheries and mining sectors.
There are also plans to revisit the Alumina Plant feasibility study to implement mining and smelting of the product in Guyana.
All the social services will be improved, with an APNU Government, Greenidge boasted. “Each one of you needs to take that small step for change- a small step for Guyana,’ he exhorted the supportive crowd.
Presidential Candidate David Grainger was introduced to the crowd by NGSA top student, Terron Alleyne, who outlined his distinguished military career, before the official introduction.
In a well articulated presentation, which was constantly interrupted by applause Granger told the hyped up crowd of the party’s plans to make Guyana a better place, by weeding out ‘kleptocracy’ and the culture of smugglers and traffickers.
He posited, ‘Guyana is an unequal society where every year the army of the poor gets bigger and bigger’. It is time for economic transformation, and to remove the heavy burden of VAT, which is holding the people back.
He promised a better life for all Guyanese, irrespective of ethnicity or geographic location, as he outlined the policies the APNU intends to pursue which will embrace consensus and not confrontation.
Granger decried what presently prevails in Guyana. He noted that the current administration would leave a legacy of crime, corruption, economic stagnation and violence.
He alluded to the system which has failed the children. There is no hope for a better life, as there are no jobs for the thousands that leave school every year, he added.
This is a nation not a plantation, he declared emphatically, adding that APNU will bury the politics of ethnic arithmetic and the winner takes all culture.
Our country has been a battlefield of winner takes all politics-people have died, people have suffered, and that is the legacy of the PPP over 19 years.
APNU is committed to creating a Government of National Unity, Granger said.
“We have a common cause, we’re a movement to establish a just and fair society in Guyana.’’ We’re a movement that’s committed to bringing about change! Granger promised.
“Terron Alleyne will not have to pay to get to Queens under an APNU administration, he added.
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