Michael Vishnu Singh
Moses Nagamootoo’s resignation from the PPP and his joining the opposition has sent an earth shaking tremor though the ruling party’s ranks. Moses and his wife Sita have demonstrated to the people of Guyana that they have the courage to stand up for fairness and decency. They are both at the point in their lives that others would say why bother. Let others fight for Guyana.
These two patriots have set an example to voters. Now is the time to show what you want Guyana to be. Now is the time to firmly say what kind of leadership and governance you want. To the ruling class we all must say—it is not what you do but how you do it. The people don’t want to be treated as mere facts and figures in some report to an international agency.
Guyanese want to be treated with dignity. Now it is coming out that Moses tried to get the leadership of his party to go beyond a triumphant winner take all mentality. He apparently urged them to take serious the cries of the urban masses for genuine attention. They did not want to be bought out. They wanted a government that was aware of their plight— not one that seemed to want to punish them for voting for the opposition.
Moses apparently got into trouble because he saw the need for the party to be more in touch with its members and their views. He was aware of the changing political spectrum in which people wanted to be consulted not dictated to. While the opposition parties were changing to match the new perspectives of the electorate the PPP dug its heels in behind the idea of a centrally directed party.
The coming out of Moses and Sita Nagamootoo is a reflection of the serious reflection some people are making. There is an awakening. People see that Guyana is drifting towards an eruption similar to what happened in the UK earlier this year. Now is the time for all those who love thee ideal of a united Guyana working for national success The 459 members of the APNU team are part of the group who are ready to stand up for partnership and National Unity.
Contrast the passion and fervor of this group with the tired message of the ruling party—more of the same. How can we want what we see and feel in Guyana today? Listen to the leaders of the ruling party and you can see their image of Guyana. They say the opposition will give guns to criminals. After nearly 20 years in power they have failed to make Guyanese feel secure. They have failed to give us confidence in the future. They trumpet facts and figures of success.
I met a man recently whose father was founder member of the PPP in New Amsterdam. His family suffered often in the years they supported the PPP because New Amsterdam was an opposition stronghold. I asked him which party he was now supporting. He said he had quit politics and was now with the church. I asked him, how Guyana is doing under the PPP. “We are doing well, I am told.” He left with a wry smile. We are told we are doing well. We don’t see or feel the goodness.
Last December there was a sugar strike. Sugar worker supporters of the PPP were shocked at the vicious and callous treatment they received. They felt that the ruling class had no sympathy for them. They were treated as if they were stupid. The PPP was built on the vote of sugar workers. The failed Skeldon factory is a symbol of how the government that they put into power has cynically left them to fend for themselves with no help from them.
Thank you Sita and Moses for exposing how arrogant and insensitive the leaders of the PPP are. If the party was willing to move into a new relationship with its members it would have chosen you to be leaders.
The voter who is thinking of supporting the ruling party has to ask---am I going to let this group which has let go of decent principles of honesty, unity, partnership and fairness remain in power? Is it not time to let them know that Guyanese who believe in a safe, prosperous and dynamic Guyana do not want them?
Be honest and clear with yourself, dear voter. Send the message out that you want leadership that is clear, firm and decisive. Open your hands take the pencil; put an x next to the open hands. Vote with power in your hearts for APNU.
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